vRealize Business for Cloud – Lost EC2 Instances?

This one is going to be short and sweet, at least it was to me. I upgraded my vRealize Automation environment in our IAS lab to version 7.3. I had a few hiccups because of an old IaaS node that had been replaced and never cleaned up (which you can read about in my other post this week), but other than it was pretty smooth. I also took the opportunity to upgrade the vRealize Business for Cloud to 7.3 to keep everything the same version, as a good engineer would. :) There were quite a few updates to vRB this time around, and those familiar with vRB will noticed the significant changes to the UI layout and reporting. A lot of the plumbing is similar when you start to drill down into things, but some new information is now available for customers. I'm not going to go through all of the new features in this post, but if you want to read...
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vRealize Automation – Removing an IaaS Node

Recently in my lab, I was frustrated over an attempted upgrade to version 7.3 from version 7.2 of vRealize Automation. It had been a while since I had last used my vRA deployment, so I naturally assumed I was probably bound for some sort of issue due to neglect. However, typically I can figure these things out pretty quickly and go along my way. This time was different and the solution, was frankly disappointing. Perhaps a lack of understanding on my part, but I think it was more of a lack of documentation from VMware on vRealize Automation. When I attempted to upgrade the vRA appliance to 7.3, I received an error in the Upgrade panel stating the following: The VMware certificate was not installed on the nodes listed below. Make sure the Management Agent is up and running on them and that it has connectivity to the VA. It then displayed a single IaaS server from my lab. When I took a...
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