It’s been a while since I posted something about the family. That’s because it’s been an extremely busy year thus far and I have neglected to post on the blog. But let’s give a quick update.

Jameson is getting so big and really moving around now. Weighing in at just over 25 pounds, he’s starting to pick up new talents like throwing balls and moving around on his own feet while sitting in his little car or on his construction truck. It’s still a wonder to see how humans advance over time. Just when you think things are moving slowly, it suddenly jumps into fast mode with several new things happening at once.

He also cut a new tooth and we feel there’s probably a few others coming in. You have to feel bad for them when they can’t express themselves verbally and there is something going on that’s probably painful. It breaks your heart in a way but you know they’ll get through it because you did, and with less medical science. Hopefully, this will all happen quickly for him.

Lastly, he had his first haircut. I like how it looks, but I agree with my wife that I do miss his long hair at times. She really misses the long hair and makes sure to point that out to me frequently because it’s apparently my fault. 🙂 We’ll probably let it grow out and I’ll let her choose the next haircut appointment.

The last bit of news is great as well. Melissa and I are expecting another baby. This time near Thanksgiving. We apparently like having kids near the holidays. This time around we’re having a girl. We are very excited. Hopefully, I’ll have the energy to handle this. 😀

That’s it for now. All the best.



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