I’m pretty sure that the title is confusing, but Jameson’s education is always fascinating to me. Several months ago, we purchased various Fisher-Price toys, either that has educational or fun value. At this age, I’m pretty sure it’s a bit of both because learning is fun when everything is just new and colorful. One of the toys we purchased is a pretty typical shapes blocks game.

I’m guessing we bought this when he was about six months old. In a typical fashion, the goal for him at that stage was to just pick them up and drop them and really had nothing to do with putting something in a hole. In fact, the main goal was not to put anything in the bucket.

But as months progressed, this simple game changed a lot. First it was keep the blocks out of the bucket and toss the yellow top. Next, the goal was to toss the blocks behind him, but he enjoyed when we put the blocks back in the bucket for him. At some point, he enjoy certain blocks over others, with the blue circle being his favorite. I don’t think it was because it was blue, but rather because it rolled.

And then quite recently, Jameson and I got into a clapping blocks game that we both enjoyed where I would clang two blocks together, one in each hand. After which I would then give him the blocks and he would repeat it while I picked up two more blocks to bang together. The game continued as I would hand new blocks to him and he would drop his current set to grab the new set. It was quite entertaining especially when you saw his face.

But that brings us to this week, where the blocks game took on it’s original purpose. My wife sent me a text while I was traveling, which is quite typical that a leap or something awesome happens while I’m traveling. Anyways, Jameson had figured out that the blue circle block fits in the round hole, and he was able to consistently repeat it. And the following day, he had figured out the square as well.

It’s incredible to see his development and how he’s progressing. I’m so proud of him and just seeing the joy on his face when he makes these accomplishments is so incredible. My only wish is that I wouldn’t be traveling when they happened. But I’m happy nonetheless.