This weekend the family took another trip and this time to the aquarium at Monteray Bay. If you haven’t been, it’s a great place to visit with or without children. For kids, there are learning spaces set aside for some cool activities and educational sessions. They also post their feeding schedule for the animal life if want to watch the penguins eat or something of that nature.

Since Jameson is still quite young to enjoy all of the aspects of the aquarium, we have definitely seen him engage more when it comes to fish, especially the bright colored ones. It may be the colors, the movement, or just the fact that you can get very close to the glass to see things. Once he finds something interesting, he really locks onto it. And the facial expression of wonderment is just too incredible to not stare at. It’s quite amazing to behold.

If you happen to visit, be sure to see the one large aquarium tank where they host a huge turtle. Because of the size of the aquarium wall and the size of the turtle, it’s our favorite exhibit.